CON-LUX COATINGS, INC -- SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL, GRAY 26280, COMP L -- 8010-00-687-4165
===================== Product Identification ===================== Product ID:SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL, GRAY 26280, COMP L MSDS Date:01/01/1987 FSC:8010 NIIN:00-687-4165 === Responsible Party === Company Name:CON-LUX COATINGS, INC Address:226 TALMADGE RD Box:847 City:EDISON State:NJ ZIP:08818-0847 Country:US CAGE:6A064 === Contractor Identification === Company Name:CON-LUX COATINGS, INC Address:226 TALMADGE RD Box:847 City:EDISON State:NJ ZIP:08818-0847 Country:US Phone:908-287-4000 CAGE:6A064 ============= Composition/Information on Ingredients ============= Ingred Name:NAPHTHA (PETROLEUM SPIRITS OR BENZIN) CAS:8030-30-6 RTECS #:SE7555000 Fraction by Wt: 36.0% OSHA PEL:100 PPM ===================== Hazards Identification ===================== Effects of Overexposure:EYE & SKIN: IRRIT. INH: MAY IRRIT RESPIR TRACT & CAUSE HEADACHE OR DIZZINESS. ======================= First Aid Measures ======================= First Aid:SKIN & EYES: FLUSH W/PLENTY OF WATER. INH: REMOVE TO FRESH AIR. IF IRRITATION PERSISTS, CONSULT MD. ===================== Fire Fighting Measures ===================== Flash Point:105F TCC Lower Limits:0.9 Upper Limits:6.0 Extinguishing Media:CO*2, DRY CHEMICAL, FOAM; FOR FLAMMABLE LIQUID FIRES Fire Fighting Procedures:CAN USE WATER TO COOL CONTAINERS. KEEP CANS TIGHTLY CLOSED. Unusual Fire/Explosion Hazard:ISOLATE FROM ANY IGNITION SOURCES. EXTREME HEAT MAY EXPLODE CL CANS. DO NOT APPLY TO HOT SURFACES. ================== Accidental Release Measures ================== Spill Release Procedures:REMOVE ALL SOURCES OF IGNITION (FLAMES, HOT SURFACES, ELECTRICAL, STATIC OR FRICTIONAL SPARKS). AVOID BREATHING OF VAPORS. VENTILATE AREA. REMOVE W/INERT ABSORBENT & NON-SPARKING TOOLS, MFG REC. ====================== Handling and Storage ====================== Handling and Storage Precautions:DO NOT STORE AT ELEVATED TEMPS. KEEP AWAY FROM OPEN FLAMES OR SPARKS. Other Precautions:DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLY. GROUND CONTAINERS WHEN POURING. AVOID PROLONGED OR REPEATED CONTACT W/SKIN. DOT: COMBUSTIBLE. ============= Exposure Controls/Personal Protection ============= Respiratory Protection:APPROVED CHEMICAL-MECH FILTER RESP Ventilation:TO KEEP TLV BELOW ACCEPTABLE LIMIT Protective Gloves:YES Eye Protection:YES, FOR SPLASH Other Protective Equipment:PREVENT PROLONGED SKIN CONTACT W/CONTAMINATED CLOTHING Supplemental Safety and Health ================== Physical/Chemical Properties ================== HCC:F4 Boiling Pt:B.P. Text:315F Vapor Pres:1 Vapor Density:4.70 Spec Gravity:1.2200 Evaporation Rate & Reference:0.15 BUAC Solubility in Water:NEGLIGIBLE Appearance and Odor:GRAY LIQUID, MILD ALIPHATIC Percent Volatiles by Volume:57.0 ================= Stability and Reactivity Data ================= Stability Indicator/Materials to Avoid:YES ==================== Disposal Considerations ==================== Waste Disposal Methods:DO NOT INCINERATE CLOSED CONTAINERS. DISPOSE IAW FED, STATE, LOCAL CODES. Disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies): This information is formulated for use by elements of the Department of Defense. The United States of America in no manner whatsoever, expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and disclaims all liability for its use. Any person utilizing this document should seek competent professional advice to verify and assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their particular situation.